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Fairytale Wedding

 You can find our wedding website here

For those of you who want a mini version of our perfect day, Steffany Beddes captured it perfectly. She is simply amazing!


    May eighteenth was THE best day of my life! I married the love of my life, my best friend, in front of all my friends and family. So much love, so much support. 
   After nine months of planning our dream wedding, it played out perfectly and I wouldn't change one bit. We had a reveal right before the wedding and read letters from each other. Can you say butterflies?! My pastor Marty married us and I wouldn't have wanted anyone else. It was such a beautiful and personal ceremony. Scott and I wrote our own vows and we did a sand ceremony. We had sand from Vernal [where I'm from], from SLC [where he's from], and from North Carolina [where our first duty station is]. We poured it all into one jar that we will continue to add sand from everywhere we are stationed.
  Our reception was a mixture of a potato bar, lemonade, s'mores, dancing, and cake! It was such a blast, everyone had so much fun. At the end of the night, we sent off a floating lantern and ran through our family and friends holding sparklers. Here are some pictures to help paint the picture of our dream wedding! 

Here's to forever with Mr. Cummings!! 

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